About Us
About Designer Bag Store Sale.com:
Did you ever know anyone who would buy things, tuck away the price tags, use it, ---- and then return it ?? Did you ever wonder what a big, fancy department store does with those items? Let's call the place Store X. ........ Store X processes the returns, and the items get shipped to a warehouse. Those lonely orphan pieces, separated from the rest of their Collection, could sit at that warehouse for 3 days or 3 years...... but eventually, a team comes in and adopts all the lonely orphan pieces....... and as long as we don't say EXACTLY where we got them, we can sell them at ridiculously low prices. Store X also warehouses sample items, and display pieces as well. An item may have been lightly handled while on display, but then again, many items have never been removed from it's original packaging........ every piece is different, so have fun and shop a bit!
To help foster a sustainable environment, we also purchase, restore and recycle donated items.
You never know what might be here! We try our best to describe each item - it's beauty as well as any blemishes it might have. Vintage and/or Pre-Owned pieces have a history that may include a blemish or two; we price items accordingly with these details in mind. We also try our best to give a visual tour of each item by providing high resolution photos, as well as videos from as many angles as possible...... Please read the item descriptions and look at all the photos we provide....We want happy customers, and that begins with realistic expectations.
Go Shop!!